Projects Masterpage


  1. Bikeways Study Initiative:
    • T4BL has spearheaded a thorough bikeways study with DOTS, RHA, GSG, and SGA over four years after pressuring UMD to finally get bike lanes on campus.
    • The study, slated for completion by Spring 2024, is a pivotal step towards implementing bike lanes on campus, which would offer safer and more accessible biking routes.
          • The northwest-southeast connection on Mowatt Lane between Campus Drive Circle and Knox Rd.
            The north-south connection between Presidential Drive and the Campus Drive/Mowatt Lane Circle
            The north-south connection along Paint Branch Drive between University Boulevard and Campus Drive
            The east-west connection via the existing shared-use path between Paint Branch Trail and Stadium Drive
          • This section of the bikeways study initiative focuses on Paint Branch, a critical area for developing safe and accessible biking infrastructure. Choosing between widened sidewalks and on-road paths in different sections is one key consideration. This decision balances the need to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists while ensuring smooth vehicle traffic flow.
          • Moving to Section 1: Alumni Drive, the implementation of shared-use and on-road paths is being explored. Incorporating buffers such as bushes can create clear crossing paths, enhancing safety for cyclists and pedestrians. Additionally, trees are strategically placed to beautify the area and serve as traffic calming measures, contributing to the overall functionality and aesthetics of the space. Stormwater management features are also being integrated to address environmental concerns and enhance the barrier function of the infrastructure.
          • Transitioning to Section 4: Paint Branch Connectors, the focus shifts to establishing two-way cycle tracks, particularly around entrances such as Regents and lot U. Curb space adjustments in front of key buildings like PLS and Geology are being considered to accommodate two-way traffic flow efficiently. It is anticipated that Tech and Stadium drives may become one-way streets to optimize traffic management. Moreover, efforts are underway to ensure seamless connections to the existing trail network, facilitating convenient and safe travel for cyclists.
          • Lastly, in Section 3: Balt Ave S connector, attention is given to the Purple Line and bike trail connection. This intersection is crucial for integrating biking infrastructure with mass transit systems, promoting multimodal transportation options. Tangential transportation infrastructure solutions are being explored to address specific challenges unique to this section, such as designing pathways on the non-bus side of Regents to alleviate congestion and enhance safety.
  2. SafeStride Enhancement:
    • SafeStride initiative transitioned into a proactive PALS (Peer Ambassador for Lifestyles and Safety) project.
      • A successful attempt to bring back Walk Smart, College Park.
    • Held a fundraiser with over 30 people, establishing connections with MDOT, WABA, and Bike Maryland.
    • The objective is establishing a bike ambassador program under the SafeStride umbrella, fostering a safety culture and advocacy for cyclists.
  3. Revamped Bike Rack Request Form:
    • Introducing an upgraded and user-friendly Bike Rack Request Form on the UMD (University of Maryland) map.
    • Streamlined the process for requesting, locating, and installing bike racks across campus to accommodate the growing demand for bicycle parking.
        • Added QR code stickers to these racks to ensure we can link to the new form.
  4. Shuttle Bus Financial Auditing:
    • Endeavored to obtain comprehensive financial auditing of shuttle bus services.
    • Ensuring transparency and accountability in allocating resources towards campus transportation, including provisions for bike-friendly infrastructure.
  5. Fiscal Responsibility:
    • Success in preventing the imposition of higher student fees for four consecutive years.
    • Upholding financial prudence while advocating for sustainable transportation solutions, ensuring equitable access without imposing additional financial burden on students.
      • For FY25, we helped stop a $44.00 increase per student in student fees.
  6. Legislative Advocacy:
    • Active engagement in legislative advocacy within the Maryland General Assembly (MGA).
    • Championing over 20 bills focused on advancing biking infrastructure, safety measures, and sustainable transportation policies.
    • I am pleased to summarize the significant milestones achieved in advancing bicycle and road safety legislation in Annapolis. It is through our collective efforts, despite the fiscal obstacles, that we have successfully passed bills promising to enhance the safety and accessibility of our streets for cyclists and pedestrians alike.
      Here’s a rundown of the bills passed in bill-number order:
      HB 159/SB465 – Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment Act of 2024: This bill addresses the inclusion of e-bike charging infrastructure in condominiums or homeowners associations, paving the way for greater adoption of electric bicycles.
      HB 193 – Anne Arundel County Speed-Limit Reductions: Enabling the reduction of speed limits to 15 MPH in Anne Arundel County is a crucial step towards creating safer environments for cyclists and pedestrians.
      HB 228 – Park System Critical Maintenance Fund Extension: Extending the timeline of critical maintenance funds for parks with provisions to improve bike lanes, trails, walkability, and parking availability.
      HB 337/SB 315 – Sarah Debbink Langenkamp Memorial Act: A poignant tribute that underscores the importance of road safety, highlighting the need for ongoing advocacy and awareness.
      SB 345 – MDOT Vision Zero Coordinator: Establishing a Vision Zero Coordinator to collaborate with state agencies and local authorities is crucial to achieving zero traffic fatalities.
      HB 364 – Stop-Sign Cameras near Schools: Authorizing the use of stop-sign cameras near schools in Prince George’s County, a measure aimed at protecting vulnerable road users, especially children.
      SB 943 – Better Bus Service Act: Enhancing bus services while protecting bike lanes through prohibitions on parking, stopping, or standing in designated areas.
  7. Temporary Bike Lane Initiative:
    • Researching and advocating for establishing a temporary bike lane on Regents Drive.
    • Demonstrating the feasibility and benefits of dedicated biking lanes to promote active transportation and mitigate traffic congestion.
      • Collaborated on the creation of the temporary bike lane around Campus Drive.
  8. Expansion of Bike Racks:
    • Collaborative efforts resulted in the installation of over 600 bike racks across campus.
    • Facilitated convenient and secure bicycle parking options to encourage more individuals to adopt cycling as a viable mode of transportation.
      • Helped lead to 640 new spaces being added on campus, added 880 new spaces by summer of 2026.
  9. Advising on the reconstruction, micro-mobility, and infrastructure on and around Route 1 and the City of College Park through two BPAC members.
  10. Asked UMD to adopt the Narrow Lanes Project for all future construction projects.
  11. Collaborated on the Electric Shuttle Bus initiative.
  12. Led UMD to paint sharrows on University Boulevard and Chapel Lane.
  13. Participated in UMD’s revamped Chalk the Walk initiative.
  14. Offered feedback on UMD’s Veo contract negotiations.
  15. Terps for Bike Lanes has raised awareness about the importance of safe cycling infrastructure on campus. This website and public statements have brought the issue to the forefront of discussions, potentially influencing future decisions.
    1. The university has acknowledged the need for better safety measures for pedestrians and cyclists. Upon completion, they plan to build a bike lane alongside the Purple Line and have mentioned exploring the feasibility of bike lanes in other areas.

Working Proposals:

Letters of Support:

These letters have been dispatched to bolster a spectrum of initiatives, spanning from campus advisory councils to proposed bills in the Maryland General Assembly. Our proactive engagement underscores our commitment to influencing positive change across different spheres of influence.

Media Coverage:

The Diamondback has extensively covered our engagement in diverse projects, providing in-depth insights and analysis on our multifaceted involvements. These articles showcase the breadth and impact of our contributions across various initiatives.