🌟 Gratitude Overflowing: SafeRide Fundraiser Success! 🌟

We are beyond thrilled to share the incredible news that our recent SafeRide fundraiser surpassed all expectations, raising over $300! 🚗✨ This achievement is a testament to the generosity and commitment of our amazing community. A heartfelt THANK YOU to each and every one of you who contributed, attended, and supported this cause. Your dedication […]

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No GBM this Month

Dear Terps For Bike Lanes Members, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to inform you that there will be no General Body Meeting (GBM) for Terps For Bike Lanes this month. As we approach the end of the semester, I understand that everyone is busy with final exams and assignments. Therefore, we […]

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GBM Save the Date

Welcome Back to Campus Terps for Bike Laners! Save the date for our first general body meeting happening on Monday, September 18th at 5:30 PM. It will be held in Stamp in the Student Involvement Suite in Terrapin Room AB. This room is to the left after you walk into the suite. We look forward […]

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